Rules and Regulations 18th SEC Anniversary (SECT-G 2021)


General Rules

1. Participants are high school / vocational high school students (equivalent) as evidenced by showing student identification cards when registering (Debates, Speech, Storytelling, Writing Short Story, TikTok, Poster Design).

2. Participants are students of SMP / MTS (equivalent) as evidenced by proof of student identification during registration (Debate, Speech, TikTok, Poster design).

3. Each school is required to send more than one participant for each competition branch.

4. Participants are required to fill out the online registration form and complete all registration before participating in the competition.

5. Participants must adhere to the principle of honesty during the competition. Any fraud found by the committee will result in sanctions depending on the level of cheating by the participant, with the heaviest penalty for disqualification.

6. Each competition does not contain elements of SARA, pornography, nationality, violence, political morality and hate speech.

7. Participants are expected to be cooperative in following the flow of the event, and be on time in following the competition. Each participant will tolerate a maximum of 10 minutes when the committee performs attendance. Participants who do not attend after 10 minutes will automatically change the order of appearance to be the last performer and receive a reward in the form of 5 (five) points.

8. Participants must understand every item of the regulations stated in the Rules & Regulations document. If there is clarification required on a certain rule item, participants may only ask questions at the technical meeting session. Regulations that have been finalized after the technical meeting are inviolable.

9. Refunds of registration fees can only be made by participants who are related to the relevant participant who has been registered on the grounds that due to accidents, critical illnesses, natural calamities attached with a certificate.

10. All decisions given by the jury are absolute, participants only come to ask for criticism and input from the participant’s appearance, not to force the jury to change its decision. The decision of the jury can only be changed, technical errors were found on the part of the jury and the committee.

Specific Rules


1. Competition will use Asian Parliamentary System (3vs3) – Speech duration 7’20” & 4’20” for Reply Speaker, POI (Points of Information) is allowed 

2. Competition will provide 2 break category – Junior High School & Senior High School. 

3. Junior High School Category will adopt no preference motion system, hence a motion for each round is a default. 

4. Senior High School will adopt preference motion & receive prepared motion by the latest 10 days prior to the competition.

5. Motion Preference is a legitimate authority for the participants to create the order of their preference from 3 motions that Adjudication Core will give each round. You have to veto/ban the motion you want the least as number 3 and give 1 to the motion you wish to debate the most. Number 2 is for the remaining motion you don’t particularly against/for it. Then LO will match your preference with your opponent’s preference to see which motion to be debated

6. Participants of Senior High School category should consider the duration while doing motion preference. Your pick time is only 3 minutes then LO will collect your preference. Shall one team fails to decide their preference after allotted time, the other team’s preference which has been submitted will be taken for the said round

7. Participant has to ensure that the parliament remains conducive. Hence, please keep your eagerness to give POI moderately. You can offer a POI 15s later after the moment your POI is rejected.
8. Participant has to be as equitable as possible during the competition. It is absolutely prohibited to use discriminative language addresses to minority group, religion and race. The consequence that participant will receive shall they breach this rules will lie on the prerogative right tournament’s Equity officer decides after conducting investigation and interview with the related parties


1. Video Aspect 16 tape 9 or landscape with a resolution of 720p.
2. The theme of the speech text, namely: The Importance of English
3. The competition is individual.
4. Video speech is made with a minimum time of 4 minutes and a maximum time of 8 minutes , less or more will be scored.
5. Participants must wear school uniforms neatly, politely and cleanly.
6. Videos must be in English.
7. Participants are not allowed to view text.
8. Participants submit videos starting on March 11, 2021 and the deadline for video information Is March 17, 2021.
9. Participants collect videos through Google Drive.
10. Participants who submit videos outside of the specified time will answer (disqualification).
11. The video submitted will be selected the best 40% of the total participants.
12. Announcement of participants who qualify for the final round will be announced On March 23, 2021.
13. The final round is held through the Zoom application.
14. The final round will be held on March 27, 2021.
15. Participants who are selected to the final round must be ready 30 minutes before The competition starts.
16. Winner announcements will be uploaded on the Instagram account @secanniversary
17. The committee’s decision cannot be contested.


1. The story presented is an Indonesian folk tale. 

2. Competition in the form of videos for the preliminary round

3. Video aspect 16 by 9 or landscape with minimum resolution 360p and maximum of 1080p.

4. The competition is individual.

5. The minimum time duration is 7 minutes and a maximum of 15 minutes, if it is less or more, It will get a reduction in value. 

6. Participants must wear school uniforms neatly, politely and cleanly.(clothing and additionalProps can be used in layers with a school uniform).

7. Participants are allowed to use any properties and activities to support the story.

8. Participants upload video through Google Drive, and send the link to our committe via Whatsapp or via email  

9. The preliminary round consists of collecting videos.

10. The final round uses the Zoom application.

11. Participants submit videos on March 11, 2021 and the longest on March 17, 2021.

12. Participants who submit videos outside the specified time will be considered
Void (disqualification).

13. Videos will be selected the best 30% of the total participants.

14. Announcement of participants who enter the final round will be announced through
The @secanniversary Instagram account

15. Participants whose videos are selected will proceed to the final round On March 27, 2021 through the Zoom application.


1. Participants are individuals. 

2. There are three choices of themes that provided:
Never Give Up
Dream and Ambition
My Happiness

3. The poster in the competition contains education, invitation, motivation, and entertainment.

4. The submitted work is purely the work of itself.

5. Participants (taking pictures of people).

6. Participants may only send 1 work.

7. Registered participants can be replaced on the grounds of an force majeure (accidents, critical illnesses, natural disasters) attached with a certificate.

8. The competition is in the form of collecting files in the form of pdf, png, or jpeg. 

9. The way participants collect files is by uploading files via Google Drive, then sending a Google Drive link to the committee via email.

10. Participants create digital works through the Corel Draw, PicsArt, Canva and others applications.

11. Participants can use image material from other parties that are free of copyright / copyright, such as from the pixabay site, and creative commons (not recommended by Pinterest, except for free copyright).

12. If you get into trouble regarding copyright at a later date, the problem is the responsibility of the participant and not the concern of our committee.

13. Posters can be Portrait, Landscape or Square.

14. Posters have a minimum size of 1000x1250 pixels for Portrait, maybe more for a 4: 5 ratio, and a minimum size of 1250x1000 pixels for Landscape, maybe more for a ratio of 5: 4, and a minimum size of 1250x1250 pixels for Square, maybe more for a 1: 1 ratio.

15. Participants submit their works on 11 March 2021 and the longest is 17 March 2021.

16. Winners announcement will be uploaded via Instagram account @secanniversary.

17. All kinds of works that have been submitted to the committee have become our property, and we are free to do anything about these works without prior permission from the participants.

18. The committee’s decision cannot be contested.


1. The manuscripts in the competition are personal works and have never been publishe Anywhere and in any form.

2. There are two choices of themes that provided :
Fear of the Unknown
A Tribute of Mother Earth

3. The manuscript is typed in the Microsoft Word application.

4. Paper-sized manuscript: A4
Top margin: 3 cm
Bottom Margin: 3 cm
Right margin: 3 cm
Left margin: 3 cm

5. The script uses Times New Roman font with a size of 12 and 1 word spacing.

6. The manuscript is typed in English.

7. Participants include the name and origin of the school in the script.Example Evelyn Crystal – SMA Negeri 3 Medan. 

8. Participants collect manuscripts in the form of a .pdf file. 

9. Participants upload video through Google Drive, and send the link to our committe via Whatsapp or via email

10. Participants must collect data files on March 11, 2021 and the last collection is On March 17th  2021

11. If a participant collects outside of the predetermined date, the participant will automaticallyBe considered void (disqualification). 

12. The submitted work becomes the property of the committee.

13. Announcements will be uploaded via the Instagram account @secanniversary.

14. The committee’s decision cannot be contested.


1. Participants’ tiktok accounts may not be private (locked).

2. Participants who cheat will be disqualified.

3. Original work and has never been submitted to any other competition.

4. Registered participants can be replaced on the grounds of an force majeure (accidents, critical illnesses, natural disasters) attached with a certificate. 

5. Participants upload videos to TikTok on 11 March 2021 and the longest is 17 March 2021.

6. Participants who submit (upload) videos outside of the predetermined time will automatically be considered void (disqualified).

7. Participants are required to include a predetermined hashtag, namely #sectg2021

8. Participants must use English in making video (content).

9. Winners will be announced through the Instagram account @secanniversary 

10. The videos in the competition contain education, solicitation, motivation, and entertainment.

11. Participants may be creative.

A. TikTok Creation Video Competition Category
Creation videos in accordance with the theme of the competition. 
Videos are 30-60 seconds long. 
Videos are required to include a predefined hashtag. 
Videos must be kept posted during the race period until the winner is announced. 
Videos can contain singing, poetry readings, or other talents.

B. Vlog Creation Video Competition Category
Creation videos in accordance with the theme of the competition.
Videos are 1-3 minutes long.
Videos are required to include a predefined hashtag.
Videos must be kept posted during the race period until the winner is announced.

Competition Theme

1. Speech : The Importance of  English

2. Story Telling : Indonesian Folktale

3. Writing Short Story : 
Fear of Unknown
A Tribute to Mother Earth

4. Poster Design : 
Never Give Up
Dream and Ambition
My Happiness

Scoring Criteria

Debate :

1. Organization and Clarity
2. Use of Argument
3. Use of examination and rebuttal
4. Presentation Style
5. Grammar
6. Time

Speech :

1. Compatibility with Theme
2. Pronunciation
3. Expression
4. Accuracy
5. Stage Presence
6. Delivery
7. Intonation
8. Articulation
9. Time

Story Telling :

1. Pronounciation
2. Intonation
3. Srory Substances
4. Expression
5. Perfomance (costume and property)
6. Stage Control
7. Body Language/ Gesture

Writing Short Story : 

1. Grammar
2. Diction
3. Accurate
4. Word and Sentences

Poster Design :

1. Original, originality of the participant’s work.
2. Fresh, ideas that are still not common, not widely / rarely used, or even never existed in other people’s work.
3. Idea, how general or rare the value of the idea to be conveyed.
4. Communicative, how communicative and easy a work is in conveying the messages.
5. Aesthetic, visual beauty that includes proportion, balance and unity.

TikTok :

1. Creativity of the video content
2. Originality of the video content
3. Fluency 
4. Delivery
5. Language
6. Grammar

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